Welcome to Cub Scouts in Pack Five (Pot Nets Community) Long Neck ,DE. We are always looking for additional boys to sign up to the Pack. Please browse through our web site's public section ,if you are not a member we have games for your son and general information about our Cub Scout Pack but remember our site is under constant construction!
A large part of our Pack's web site is a private site with pictures and locations of up coming scheduled events so in order to protect all our boys idenification you will need a password. All of our parents are ask to please keep there password confidential any/or all/ pass words may be changed at random by the web master in order to protect our cubs. New passwords will be issued upon request of an active parent.
The private section of the Packs site includes pictures, treasurer & committee meeting reports , the camping schedules, our event calendar, contest rules, SoapBox Race plans, Pinewood Derby Rules, current or past Cub Scouter Newsletters, the Packs by-laws and profiles of our well Trained Cub Scout Leaders.
The Fundraising Events we provide give constant challenges to our boys while helping them fund most of there own expenses or equipment.
Our Pack dues are $75 or less per year depending when you join in the year as it is a prorated expense. You also will receive the following items as part of your pack dues: Den Hat, Den neckercheif, Den slide, Den Book, I year subscription of Boy's Life magazine, all patches for your uniform and the packs class B T-shirt. Just compare to any other Pack in the area and it's only $1.00 to transfer into our pack. Most times our events are scheduled 3 months in advance.
We usually have a lot of boys at our meetings but there is always room for any new enrollments on Monday Nights during the hours of 6:00 to 7:30pm at our Den Meetings in Long Neck, DE. If you are new to the area and want your son to meet some kids just come on out and see what were all about . If you need the directions or have any Questions Just email or call (Wes Hegwood 410-940-8747)
Committee Chairperson